Saturday, May 05, 2012

Back in the saddle

Now that university is over, and I've got myself a job, I can finally get back to the old blog again. I might start up my 'random facts you probably don't know' thing again, but until I find a decent one, here is a picture of the best etch a sketch picture ever.


  1. Just got back to blogging and can't wait to see an update from you. Get your shit back together, I just finished this year's studying so I can't be the only one to write something new!

  2. Easy.
    The egg.
    Precisely cuzz the EGG
    is the catalyst for growth,
    thus, without the EGG - the 'seed',
    you have nthn.
    -Sensei Kold_Kadavr_ flatliner hath spoken
