Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sucker Punch

Just a quick post this time, letting you all know, i went to see Sucker Punch on the IMAX recently...
Dear god, there is one thing accurate in what it promises: I was unprepared. For just how bad it was :(

Im not bandwagon jumping, as I had deliberately not looked at any reviews for it so i would have a unbiased perspective on it. However, after seeing the trailer I wasnt expecting an incredible story or anything, just mind-numbing explosions and tits. However, my already lowered expectations were not met. The film offered little to no development for ANY of the characters, the plot was weak and just an excuse for the spectacle and the special effects, and even they couldnt save this movie...

In short, I didnt like it. I loved watchmen and I loved 300, but this was just awful and should be piled in my back garden and burned.